Báo cáo Khóa luận tốt nghiệp của sinh viên khóa 2020 Ngành CNTT và KTPM

Trong 2 ngày 15 và 16/01/2024, tại Khoa CNTT, các bạn sinh viên đã hoàn thành Báo cáo Khóa luận tốt nghiệp Khóa học của mình trong CTĐT ngành Công nghệ thông tin và Kỹ thuật phần mềm.

    The graduation thesis can reflect your investment and efforts throughout the study period of students of the Faculty of Information Technology of Nguyen Tat Thanh University in 3.5 years of training.

    On January 15 and 16, 2024, at the Faculty of Information Technology, students completed the graduation thesis report of their course in the training program in Information Technology and Software Engineering.

The Graduation Thesis Evaluation Council includes many PhDs and Masters of IT from the Faculty of Information Technology.

Students of the Faculty of Information Technology have systematized and consolidated the specialized knowledge they have learned, including technical and theoretical skills; Develop research skills through the thesis writing process, including understanding, analyzing, and synthesizing information. Besides, demonstrate the ability to apply learned theory to practical problems in the field of Information Technology; And often involves building and implementing real projects, helping students better understand the software development or system design process; Enhance soft skills such as communication, teamwork, project management, and problem solving; Demonstrate the ability to self-study and think logically in the process of research and problem solving.

    The topics apply many new technologies in modern techniques such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Software Technology… and students of the Faculty of Information Technology have built many modern models using Using Machine Learning, Deep Learning…

In addition, the thesis relates to a specific project or product, which can be a useful and practical meaningful outcome, creating an opportunity to present and demonstrate the student’s abilities to the community. professional community and employers.

This is also an opportunity for students of the Faculty of Information Technology to summarize what they have learned and achieved during their studies, creating an opportunity to be proud of what they have achieved and accomplished during their studies.

The Council’s teachers also contributed ideas to help you complete the Thesis Report in the best and most thorough way and  provide suggestions and shape future directions, which can serve as a basis for your professional career. student career.

    The graduation thesis is not only an important element in the academic assessment process but also an opportunity to demonstrate the student’s abilities and development in the field of Information Technology.

Congratulations K2020 students!

vxchi- K IT

Some pictures of students defending their graduation theses: